Deacon Ward's Essentials and Expressions 8/21/20

~Mater Dei Parish~ St. Mary Star of the Sea / St. Edward the Confessor St. James the Greater St. Benedict Labre Growing in Faith and Charity "If you adore Christ and walk behind Him and with Him, your diocesan Church and your parishes will grow in faith and in charity, in the joy of evangelizing." Pope Francis Jesus * Mary * Joseph 🌹🌹🌹 Deacon Ward 's Essentials and Expressions Friday August 21, 2020 Mater Dei Parish St. Mary Star of the Sea / St. James the Greater / St. Benedict Labre St. Edward the Confessor Coming Soon! Fall of 2020 Why do Catholics do that? · Are you interests in learning more about your faith or about the Catholic Church? · Perhaps you have been thinking about becoming a Cathol...