Essentials and Expressions: 2/12/21
Essentials and Expressions Deacon Ward Nolan St. Mary Star of the Sea St. Edward the Confessor St. Benedict Labre St. James the Greater 🌹🌹🌹🌹 Yes, my brothers and sisters in Christ it's that time! We are entering into a period of great meditation! We are all called to place ourselves at the foot of the Holy Cross...a call for repentance and a reminder of our own mortality. As Catholics we know who and where God is. Because Jesus took on our weak and mortal nature, we can receive what is his...we become the very righteousness of God. " A clean heart create for me, O God. " For all our parish Lenten services please go to the Mater Dei website for a complete schedule. 🌹🌹🌹🌹 First things first... Continuing to remember all...