Essentials and Expressions: Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion 2021
Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
Essentials and Expressions
Deacon Ward Nolan
St. Mary Star of the Sea
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...the beginning of Holy Week, and commemorates the triumphant arrival of Christ in Jerusalem, days before he was crucified.
Palm Sunday is known as such because the faithful will often receive palm fronds which they use to participate in the reenactment of Christ's arrival in Jerusalem. In the Gospels, Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a young donkey, and to the lavish praise of the townspeople who threw clothes, or possibly palms or small branches, in front of him as a sign of homage.
This was a customary practice for people of great respect.
Palm branches are widely recognized symbol of peace and victory, hence their preferred use on Palm Sunday.
The use of a donkey instead of a horse is highly symbolic, it represents the humble arrival of someone in peace, as opposed to arriving on a steed in war.
A week later, Christ would rise from the dead on the first Easter.
My brothers and sisters in Christ this is a time of humble reflection, a time to bow our heads and experience the pain...the beauty...and the joy of our Lord's Passion, Death and Resurrection.
May our souls forever be united in the heart and in the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ!
I offer a short reflection...
If you have any questions or if you would like me to bring something to this blog to share...please feel encouraged to let me know...keep those cards and letters coming in! Thank You!
🌹🌹Until next time...In His Peace. Deacon Ward🌹🌹

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