Nice People | Bishop Fulton J.Sheen
Mater Dei Parish February 19, 2020

Good morning my brothers and sisters in Christ!
I thought today I would bring to you a reflection on the reality of "nice" people versus "awful" people.
As a child, my family and I would watch Bishop Fulton Sheen on PRIME TIME TV...yes, prime time TV. Do you think you would see this on prime time TV in this day and culture? Don't think so.
Bishop Sheen is known for his preaching and especially his work on television; he is a renowned theologian...and his humor is delightful. Just click below to begin.
But, before we begin...Let us Pray:
Lord, as a new day dawns
send the radiance of your
light to shine in our hearts.
Make us true to your teaching;
keep us free from error and sin.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
In His peace.
Deacon Ward
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