Are we spending (enough) time with Jesus?
Are we truly giving Him our worship, fidelity and obedience?
Are we meeting Him where we are?
Come to Holy Adoration!
Spend time with Him...just sit there and be in His presence;
this will make Him smile!
"No moment spent in My presence is without value. Every moment given Me is precious in my sight and becomes fruitful for the whole Church. It is not a question of quantity, of spending long hours in My presence when the duties of one's state in life requires something else. What I ask instead is the moment of pure adoration and of love offered to Me from a simple, childlike heart. Just as a mother takes as much delight in a single wildflower offered by a child as in a great bouquet of flowers, so too do I take delight in the moment offered Me out of love.
Begin, then, by offering Me what you can. You will see that I will move you to add moment to moment, until you are giving Me all the time of adoration and of love that I desire from you. Too many souls are discouraged when they attempt to pray. They think, wrongly, that unless they can undertake much, they should undertake nothing. And so they abandon prayer and leave Me alone, leave Me waiting for their little moment of presence, a consolation to My Heart.
Give me the little moment of adoration and of love and I will multiply it, making it possible for you to give Me hours of adoration and of love, as they become available in your life, and as I ask them of you. Too many souls try to do too much, and end up doing nothing. It is better to begin by doing what is very little, and by and trusting that little offering to Me, confident that I will receive it and turn it into My glory and to the glory of My Father."
(From a journal of a priest at prayer: "IN SINU JESU")
(Thank you Jayne Badano-Bidwell)
...and every Friday night
"It is easier for the world to exist without a sun than to exist without the Eucharist."
(St. Padre Pio)
Put your love for Jesus into practice!
...Starting at 7:00 PM!
Come and join us (or online: Mater Dei website) for
Holy Adoration and Holy Rosary (Led by Fr. Rijo)
from St. Mary Star of the Sea Church
Join me each Monday morning at St Edward Church for Holy Adoration!
At 9:00 AM we will begin with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, we will pray together the Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours, hear the day's Gospel reading and conclude with praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Come and find peace!
If there are any questions, I encourage you to call me.
A Final Thought
You have the Eucharist, what else do you want?
-St. Peter Julian Eymard, Apostle of the Eucharist
🌹🌹Until next time...In His Peace. Deacon Ward🌹🌹 
Thank you for the beautiful reflections...
ReplyDeleteThank you JBB; your encouragement is encouraging!