Deacon Ward's Daily Message 3/23/2020
Mater Dei Parish
My Brothers and Sister in Christ, good morning!
"Life and physical health are precious gifts entrusted to us by God. We must take reasonable care of them, taking into account the needs of others and the common good." CCC: 2288
Let us pray:
Act of Hope for Lent
O my God, knowing your almighty power, and your infinite goodness and mercy, I hope in you that, by the merits of the Passion and Death of our Savior Jesus Christ, you will grant me eternal life, which you have promised to all such as shall do the works of a good Christian; and these I resolve to do, with the help of your grace. Amen.
I pray that all of our parishioners are doing well during this stressful time.
It’s important to keep in our minds that Jesus knows what we need before we ask Him. Our duty is to always remain faithful to Him and know that in our fidelity He will give us what we need even before we ask. Also, when He bestows His grace on you, it will enable you to live in full confidence as His son and daughter.
Please know that if there is anything I or a priest can do, please let us know. I can be reached at 802.624-4964 or call the rectory at 334.5066.
The daily parish update video is offered by clicking the link on our website.
Until next time…
In His Peace.
Deacon Ward
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