Deacon Ward's Essentials and Expressions July 25, 2020

~Mater Dei Parish~
St. Mary Star of the Sea / St. Edward the Confessor   
St. James the Greater   
St. Benedict Labre

J *  M  *  J


Deacon Ward's Essentials and Expressions

Saturday, July 25, 2020
(Happy Birthday, Mom!)

Today, let us remember in our prayers, The Most Reverend Christopher Coyne
Bishop of the 
Diocese of Burlington


You heard it here first!

Fr. Rijo has announced that Fr. Deniskingsley will be leaving us; he has been transferred to a new parish in New Jersey.
Fr. Rijo also announced that Father Thomas and Father Benny (currently in New Jersey) have been assigned to our 
Mater Dei parish.
These transfers will be effective
September 1.
Blessings to our SDV priests! 🌹


"It is easier for the world to exist without a sun than to exist without the Eucharist."
(St. Padre Pio)
Bring your prayers and petitions, and lay them
before our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ....Starting at 7:00 PM!
 Come and join us (or online) for 
Holy Adoration and Holy Rosary (Led by Fr. Rijo)
 from St. Mary Star of the Sea Church

A Final Thought...What is Faith?

"Faith, then, is not just the grim determination to cling
to a certain form of words, no matter what may happen
...though we must certainly be prepared to defend
 our creed with our life.

But above all, faith is the opening of an inward eye, 
the eye of the heart, to be filled with the presence of
Divine light.  

Ultimately faith is the only key to the universe.
The final meaning of human existence, and 
the answers to questions on which all our 
happiness depends cannot be reached in any
other way."
(Thomas Merton)


A word/reflection from Abbot Jeremy
(Thank you Jayne!)


🌹🌹Until next time...In His Peace.   Deacon Ward🌹🌹  



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