Deacon Ward's Daily Message 5/6/2020

~Mater Dei Parish~
St. Mary Star of the Sea / St. Edward the Confessor   
St. James the Greater   
St. Benedict Labre

J *  M  *  J

Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
I give you my heart, I give you my life.


Deacon Ward's Almost Daily Message 
Wednesday May 6, 2020

Happy Easter, my brothers and sisters in Christ!
Alleluia!  Alleluia!

There are no new announcements today.

As we continue to be mindful of protecting our health, and that of all others...
"Life and physical health are precious gifts entrusted to us by God. We must take reasonable care of them, taking into account the needs of others and the common good." Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC:) 2288


“Pray for Our Priests and Deacons”

Today we pray for Bishop Christopher Coyne ...and also for all persons discerning any vocation.

“Eternal Father, we lift up to you these and all the priests and deacons of the world.
Sanctify them, heal and guide them.
Mold them into the likeness and holiness
of your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest.
May their lives be pleasing to you. 
In Jesus’ name, we pray.” Amen.


Our own Mater Dei Food Shelf is in need of non- perishable food items. 

Here is the list of needed items:


     CANNED FRUIT     



      DRY MILK       



                     PEANUT BUTTER                      


Items can be dropped off at the St. Mary's rectory.

Also needed, LARGE paper grocery bags. Thank you!


Remember, you can join all of our online streaming of daily and Sunday Holy Masses, and 
Holy Rosary and Adoration (Friday evening 7:00 PM) by simply going to our


During this month of May...the Month of Mary...let us take a few moments today to contemplate and rejoice that Mary is both Mother of God...and also our Mother.

(From "A Monastic Year...Reflections from a Monastery" 

"The presence of the Mother of God in our lives is then very real. She is our mother, our friend, our helper, our refuge in time of danger, and consolation in time of affliction. She is our luminous guide when we lie in darkness and in the midst of despair. On our journey towards God's kingdom, her warm presence dispels our sense of loneliness.
She gives us the strength and courage needed for the journey. 
We walk, but never alone, for the Mother of God is always with us.
If we remain quiet and don't interfere or fuss too much about ourselves, we should be able to feel her consoling presence as 
we pray the ancient prayer:"

We entrust ourselves to your protection,
Holy Mother of God.
Listen to our prayers,
help us in our daily needs,
and save us from every danger, 
O glorious and Blessed Virgin. Amen.
( Sub Tuum Praesdium, Fourth Century Prayer)

Until next time...
In His peace.
Deacon Ward


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