Deacon Ward's Message of the Day 5/18/2020
~Mater Dei Parish~
St. Mary Star of the Sea / St. Edward the Confessor
St. James the Greater
St. James the Greater
St. Benedict Labre
Happy Easter, my brothers and sisters in Christ!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
~Announcements for Today~
Please continue to support our parish food shelf with non-perishable food. There is a special need this week for:
Broth / Macaroni Products / Canned Fruit
Large paper grocery bags are also needed. Thank you!
Please continue to pray for a rapid end to the coronavirus... we continue to be mindful of protecting our health, and that of all others...
"Life and physical health are precious gifts entrusted to us by God. We must take reasonable care of them, taking into account the needs of others and the common good." Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC:) 2288
I offer you a prayer to Mary for her intercession and protection during this pandemic. To hear the prayer sung so beautifully by the monks of the Mount Angel Abby, and to hear about the origin of this prayer...a prayer specifically for the protection and end of the Black Plague...please click on the Youtube link below.
Thank you so much to Jayne Badano-Bidwell for finding this for all of us to share!
...and here is the prayer in Latin and in English:
Stella Caeli
Stella caeli exstirpávit,
quae lactávit Dóminum:
Mortis pestem quam plantávit
primus parens hominum.
Ipsa stella nunc dignétur
sídera compéscere,
Quorum bella plebem
caedunt dirae mortis úlcere.
O piíssima stella maris,
a peste succúrre nobis.
Audi nos,
Dómina, nam filius tuus
nihil negans te honórat.
Salva nos Iesu,
pro quibus virgo mater te orat.
Star of Heaven
Star of Heaven,
who nourished the Lord
and uprooted the plague of death
which our first parents planted:
May that star now deign
to hold in check the constellations
whose strife causes in people
the sores of a terrible death.
O glorious star of the sea,
save us from infections.
Hear us:
for your Son, who honors you,
denies you nothing.
Jesus, save us,
for whom the Virgin Mother prays to you.
Until next time...
In His Peace.
Deacon Ward
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