Deacon Ward's Message of the Day 5/29/2020

~Mater Dei Parish~
St. Mary Star of the Sea / St. Edward the Confessor   
St. James the Greater   
St. Benedict Labre

J *  M  *  J

In the Upper Room
"You must know that your body is a 
temple of the Holy Spirit, who is within...
the Spirit you have received from God.
You are not on your own.
You have been purchased, and at a price.
So glorify God in your body."
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20)


Deacon Ward's Almost Daily Message 
Friday May 29, 2020


Holy Sunday Masses will resume !

Mater Dei parish will again be celebrating Sunday and Holy Day masses beginning the weekend of June 6 and 7.

There will be  protocols regarding the number of people who can attend and precautions that will be in place for everyone's safety.
Those protocols and precautions have been given to us by Bishop Coyne. 

Please check the website ( for further information on this.


Tonight at 7:00 PM! 
Join me for 
Holy Adoration and Holy Rosary
(Live Streamed from St. Mary Star of the Sea Church)



~Men's Breakfast~

Beginning tomorrow morning and each Saturday...come and join us for a bit of 
food and fraternity.
All men are welcome and encouraged to come!

Breakfast and Discussion
All Men...and Bring a Friend
Each Saturday
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
St. Mary Star of the Sea Rectory

Come and enjoy!


Mondays with Mary” – 7 Benefits of Praying the Holy Rosary of the ...

Tomorrow, Saturday, at 5:30 (Rome time) Pope Francis will lead the world in recitation of the HOLY ROSARY, asking the Virgin Mary to help amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
The prayer will be broadcast live to the world...check the website for ways to participate.

Coming together in one accord to pray is powerful!


As we approach the Feast of the Pentecost
on this Sunday, let us offer our prayers...

Christ is God, blessed for ever. Let us ask him to send the Holy Spirit on all redeemed by his blood, as we say:
Lord, look with favor on those you have redeemed.

Send into your Church the Spirit of unity,
--to remove all dissension, hatred and division.
Lord, look with favor on those you have redeemed.

You freed those possessed by devils,
--free the world from the evils that afflict it.
Lord, look with favor on those you have redeemed.

You prayed and we were led by the Spirit to begin your ministry,
--may priests find in prayer the guidance of the Spirit to perform their duties.
Lord, look with favor on those you have redeemed.

May your Spirit guide all in authority,
--to seek the common good.
Lord, look with favor on those you have redeemed.

You live in the glory of the Father,
---summon into your glory all the departed.
Lord, look with favor on those you have redeemed.



A final thought...

"To you men and women of all nations, then who make up the Church of Christ, you the members of Christ, you, the body of Christ, you, the bride of Christ – to all of you the Apostle addresses these words: 
Bear with one another in love; do all you can to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 
Notice that when Paul urges us to bear with one another, he bases his argument on love, and when he speaks of our hope of unity, he emphasises the bond of peace. 
This Church is the house of God. 
It is his delight to dwell here. 
Take care, then, that he never has the sorrow of seeing it undermined by schism and collapsing in ruins.
(A reading from a 6th-century African author)


If you have any questions or if you would like me to bring something to this blog to share...please feel encouraged to let me know. Thank You! 
Enjoy the Weekend!

🌹🌹Until next time...In His Peace.   Deacon Ward🌹🌹  



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