Deacon Ward's Message of the Day 6/3/2020

~Mater Dei Parish~
St. Mary Star of the Sea / St. Edward the Confessor   
St. James the Greater   
St. Benedict Labre

J *  M  *  J
Deacon Ward's Almost Daily Message 

Wednesday June 3, 2020
Let's  remember to keep all of our priests in our prayers. 

The next time you encounter a priest, tell them how much you appreciate them and that you are praying for them...know that they're always praying for you!

“Pray for Our Priest and Deacons”

Today, we pray for Fr. James Dodson of our diocese…and also for Deacon Joe Lane.

"Eternal Father...We lift up to you these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them, heal and guide them, mold them into the likeness and holiness of your Son, Jesus the eternal high priest. May their lives be pleasing to you, and in Jesus' name, we pray. 


Come Visit Our Lady of Fatima!

Our Lady is visiting us here at St. Mary Star of the Church! 

Spend some time venerating and praying
the Holy Rosary before our Blessed Mother.

The Blessed Mother will be with us now until June 12th.


Holy Sunday Masses will resume !

Mater Dei parish will again be celebrating Sunday and Holy Day masses beginning this weekend of June 6 and 7.

There will be  protocols regarding the number of people who can attend and precautions that will be in place for everyone's safety.

Those protocols and precautions have been given to us by Bishop Coyne: 

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is with an abundance of joy and gratitude that I announce the first phase of the reopening of our churches to celebrate daily and Sunday Mass beginning June 1.

The obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains lifted until further notice, especially if you are part of a vulnerable population and/or have an underlying health condition.

Please approach the celebration of Mass with charity and love for our clergy and faith community by following the protocols:
• Stay home if you are sick or not feeling well.
• Wear a mask in Mass.
• Sanitize your hands upon entry. Due to shortages of sanitizer, please bring your own if possible.
• Sit in designated pews and respect social distance between others of 6 feet or more unless you are one family unit.
• Refrain from congregating in tight areas or entering cordoned off areas.
• Follow the protocols to receive Holy Communion as directed at Mass.
• Follow your church protocols regarding registration if necessary due to the 25% capacity limit.

For more details about church protocols visit:

While these protocols are intrusive, they are necessary as they allow us to celebrate the Sacraments in person while doing our part to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

Looking forward to seeing some of you “live” at Mass again, I remain,
Sincerely yours in Christ,

The Most Reverend Christopher J. Coyne
Bishop of Burlington


*******Place This Date On Your Fridge*******

Friday, Starting at 7:00 PM!
(Tune in early, 6:30 PM) 
Join me for 
Holy Adoration and Holy Rosary
(Live Streamed only, from St. Mary Star of the Sea Church)


A Final thought...
Adoration is essentially an embrace with 
Jesus in which I say to Him:
"I am yours, and I ask you, please
stay with me always."
(-Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI)


If you have any questions or if you would like me to bring something to this blog to share...please feel encouraged to let me know...keep those cards and letters coming in! Thank You! 
Telephone  /  Email
(802-624-4964  /

🌹🌹Until next time...In His Peace.   Deacon Ward🌹🌹  


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