Deacon Ward's Daily Message 4/8/20

Mater Dei Parish
St. Mary Star of the Sea / St. Edward the Confessor / St. James the Greater  
St. Benedict Labre

Deacon Ward’s Daily Message
Wednesday April 8, 2020 

Greetings my brothers and sisters in Christ!

"Life and physical health are precious gifts entrusted to us by God. We must take reasonable care of them, taking into account the needs of others and the common good." Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC:) 2288

We are a day away from the beginning of the most holy period of our liturgical year. Although this has been a difficult period in our history, we mustn't lose our focus on what is really most precious to us...our love and faith in God. No matter what happens we must be resolute in our faith, hope and love of Jesus Christ, Son of God...and for each other.

Jesus promised..."And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."(Mt 28:20)
This is his promise to remain forever present in our Christian community.

My Lord and my God, all my trust is in you.


"Pray for Our Priests" and "Pray for our Deacons":

Today, we pray for Fr. Joseph Sanderson of our diocese...and also for Deacon Ivan Hawke.

"Eternal Father, we lift up to you these and all the priests, deacons of the world.
Sanctify them, heal and guide them.
Mold them into the likeness and holiness 
of your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest.
May their lives be pleasing to you. 
In Jesus' name, we pray." Amen.


There are no official announcements for today.

Herewith is the Mass schedule for Holy Triduum.


Holy Thursday - 7:00 PM at St. Mary, Star of the Sea, Newport  

Good Friday - 7:00 PM at St. Mary, Star of the Sea, Newport

Easter Vigil - 7:00 PM at St. Mary, Star of the Sea, Newport

Easter Sunday - 10:00 AM & 12:00 Noon at St. Mary, Star of the Sea, Newport

All Private Holy Masses will be streamed live in YouTube, Facebook and our website.


Please remember to continue your gift giving each week; it can be dropped off at the rectory, mailed to the rectory, or you may donate online (Mater Dei website) Thank you and God bless!

Please be sure to let us know if you have any spiritual needs. We're here for you!


Today I am including some prints from an old family bible of 
mine. It was a gift to my great-grandfather in 1887. These prints say more than than any words can.
I would suggest meditating on yourself is powerful. 

Prayer Before a Crucifix

Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus,
while before your face I humbly kneel, and with burning soul pray and beseech you to fix deep in my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity, true contrition for my sins, and a firm purpose of amendment.
Meanwhile, I contemplate with great love and tender mercy your five most precious wounds, pondering over them within me, and calling to mind the words which David in prophecy made you say concerning yourself, my Jesus: "They have pierced my hands and feet; they have numbered all my bones."

We adore you O Christ, and we bless thee,
because by thy Holy Cross you have redeemed the world. Amen.

To all of our priests and parishioners, until next Monday...I pray for God's blessings on everyone!

Happy, Holy Easter!

In His peace.
Deacon Ward


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